Thursday, February 25, 2010

"Big Business" no ethics !

The big gorillas, Microsoft, Cisco, Yahoo, Goggle et al are run by "young turks" who have no business ethics. These companies were re-dressed by Congress in hearings this past summer. The Congressional hearing addressed the issue of Chinese disadents being tracked down by their government through the help of these companies. These American companies used the excuse "If we don't our competition will". Which means the almighty Dollar is more important than "human rights". This can also be translated to being inexperienced in business. When starting these companies there was no need for a formal education to get into this type of business. But, as they grew faster than they could handle they promoted from within, leaving computer "geeks" to run the business in a "global" system in which they thought fast money was the answer. Retiring at the age of 30 or less.
The leaders of these companies embarass themselves with their foolish answers.
But, this doesn't end here. They are now enticing law enforcement to use their systems to track everyone and anyone at will. It's going to be a fine line between National Security and "Big Brother" caused by "Big Business".
What's the answer ???

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Women's downhill

The pictures remind me of my own experience of learning how to ski in the German Alps. The real scary things about this Olympic course are that the distance from start to finish is 1.8 miles in less than a minute and dropping in height the length of two Empire State Buildings.

Monday, February 15, 2010

1st day of Olympic competition-Apollo Ohno

Apollo Ohno was "lucky" at the end of the 500. Not that he isn't good but, if the two Koreans hadn't knocked each other out it would have been a Korean sweep, 1, 2, 3.
Women's Moogles was great. Even my "couch potato" wife liked it.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Is it ever going to end?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Trials and tribulations

I think I'm getting close to figuring out what's going on !?!