My latest gripe has been with newspaper writers. I had always thought that a "story" had to have the 5 important elements. A lot of the time, one or more elements are missing. Some sports stories, on the local level, never mention the School and refer to the teams by their "mascot names". Like "Tigers", "Wildcats", "Bears" etc. However, to go along with this lack of information, according to "Title 9", where every one is equal, they don't designate gender and refer to players by their last name. That doesn't help matters either. How do you sort these things out?
Another item is, when did this "thing" take place? With Blogs, newsletters and other source, dates are left out. They use "Today", "Yesterday", "Tomorrow" and other vague references to time. Which, if you don't have a starting point, you are still lost.
Now , that brings us to the real problem of integrity of the "news". With "Bloggers" that abound the "net" truth in story telling is very much in question. Although,some bloggers, "video tapers" have "caught" lies, embarrassments and ridiculous events, is this news or even make these people "News persons"?
I am having serious doubts about the future of "reporting". Not everyone or anyone can or should be allowed to just spew garbage. That's why I even question "this" writing. Thank GOD there's no followers to worry about! I am concerned about the future of Newspapers and Magazines. It costs, but who is going to pay? Free internet? Somebody has to pay! And, what is the price going to be? Always, more questions that answers.
Hi Village Idiot,
You are so right! I find it extremely annoying when I read a news story and can't find out the person's full name or title. Usually that appears the first time the person is cited or quoted in the article - and forevermore the person is referred to as "Smith."
Any reputable news source should be using exact dates and not the generic "tomorrow," because not everyone gets their news the day it is printed/spoken/etc. Weekly papers are usually ready for distribution the day before the date printed on the front page - if your weekly comes out on Wednesday, for example, it is likely ready to go by Tuesday afternoon, primarily for distribution purposes so your stores and paper boxes can have the Wednesday paper ready to go first thing Wednesday morning, and if it's mailed locally, it can hit the mailboxes by Wednesday's mail. So if the weekly uses "tomorrow" rather than a specific date, it's less than helpful.
I would say it's poor editing that the things you mention get overlooked. A reader shouldn't have to read an entire news article before finding out the answers to who, what, where, when, etc. Likewise, you shouldn't have to tolerate the talking heads who skip that vital info. until the last minute, too.
Any writer should refer to teams by their location/etc. - Northwestern University has Wildcats, but so did my high school. Probably there is some summer league team by the same name.
Your complaint reminds me of hearing a new song on the radio, and the dj doesn't tell you who the singer is.
My comment is purely a HUGE thank you. Why? You have me SO enthralled with Django Reinhardt!
My comment is simply a THANK YOU! Why? You've introduced me to Django Reinhardt. I'm enthralled.
(Hope I didn't post this twice. Darn computer troubles)
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