Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Change in strategy ?

I have been spending too much time trying to influence people at Facebook on my feelings on Business. I have decided to leave my comic relief at that place and put my opinions only on the blog. (If I can remember.) I shouldn't try to force the issue on a "social network". That should only be for "socializing" not lecturing.

With my lack of ability and with the computer restrictions I have to deal with, I am still going to try to place "news" articles or "links" into the blog posts. This may be a problem on a number of counts. I wish myself "good luck".

The "Blog" name should not go unnoticed.

I have found a number of news articles this past week that have not been flattering to the "Business World". Coal mine disasters; Toyota recalls that were ignored; enormous pay increases for executives that don't deserve it and the list goes on.